SensMat Steering Meeting Linköping

The third meeting for the European SensMat project which was supposed to be held in Linköping was held on 18 and 19 March in a web conference due to the corona virus.

The project, started on January 1, 2019 with the participation of 18 partners from 7 European countries, aims to allow the development of sensors, software, mathematical models, BIM tools and low-cost decision-making tools able to predicting and preventing the degradation of museum artefacts.

The meeting gave the opportunity to the partners to be able to know the progress of the project in all its parts and to compare with others to understand the different points of view. This aspect is one of the key points of the project as SensMat is a particularly interdisciplinary project and includes highly heterogeneous skills within it.

Our contribution in this meeting was to present progress in software development activities. These developments led to interaction with other partners and in particular with TTI (Technologie-Transfer-Initiative GmbH), LIU (Linköping university) and CETMA (design & technologies materials center) with which it was possible to define the architecture and a first implementation of the SensMat Framework which represents the main system for the collection and management of data from all museums. Moreover, thanks to the collaboration with STRESS Scarl, it was also possible to implement and demonstrate the significant advantages of BIM technologies (

The next appointment will be held in October 2020 and it will be our job to host it in Milan, confident that the coronavirus emergency will be overcome throughout Europe until that date.